
The University of Michigan Library is using Submittable as a tool for collecting and reviewing applications to various fellowships, award programs, projects proposals, and other applications.

Attention Undergraduate Students: Pamela J. Mackintosh Undergraduate Research Awards are available to undergraduates who have conducted research during the current academic year. Research conducted during the Spring, Summer, or Fall term is eligible for consideration — not just Winter term. The deadline is May 1, but you can submit anytime after Nov 15.

Using Submittable

If you have a umich email address, use it to log in to Submittable. U-M users will be redirected to sign in via the standard U-M login page.

If you do not have a U-M uniqname, you can select one of the other options for creating a Submittable account.

Each year, the University of Michigan Library conducts a research award competition to recognize and celebrate the extraordinary academic achievements of our undergraduate students. Awards are given to students who demonstrate excellence in library research conducted in support of an undergraduate student project.

Undergraduate students from any University of Michigan campus are eligible to participate. Projects can be in any format or medium such as a paper, website, audio/video documentary or an art installation. Individuals and teams from any discipline may apply.

For individuals, we offer several award categories for single term papers, multi-term papers, innovative and creative projects, and first-year research. Team projects are also eligible for awards. Additionally, we confer special Global Impact awards.

Awards are evaluated on the strength of the applicants' personal essay, a letter of support, the project itself, and the project bibliography.

Before you submit, be sure to read our very, very, very helpful Tips document.

Our Undergraduate Research Awards library web pages provide additional information.

To apply, you should enter your umich email address, then "sign in" confirming your U-M credentials.

 Questions? Contact libresearchawards@umich.edu

Michigan Library Scholars seeks up to 6 undergraduate summer interns. Open to currently enrolled University of Michigan undergraduates (only first years, sophomores, and juniors) returning for the Fall 2025 term. All majors welcome. No prior library experience required.

Period: May 5 - July 25, 2025 

Hours: 20 hours per week 

Pay rate: $16 per hour 

Location: University Library, Ann Arbor (projects are part in-person and part virtual)

Deadline: Please complete and submit this application by Friday, March 7, 2025 at midnight.

To apply, click on "Have an account? Sign In" and then enter your umich email address, then "sign in" again, confirming your U-M credentials.
For questions, contact us at michiganlibraryscholars@umich.edu